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CariPRO review + Giveaway!

I’ve never used an electric toothbrush before, and I was so excited when I received this from Smile Brilliant! I’ll talk to y’all below about how I’ve been using it, and comparing it to other electronic toothbrushes you may see around. Let’s compare: I’ve always seen similar toothbrushes at stores but never really wanted to buy. I’m a HUGE “let me see the reviews” type person, so if you’re like me then you know most electric toothbrushes will always need replacement heads. Not only do they need replacement heads, but most of the in store ones also need new batteries often! The ones that don’t, are around the $200 price range and only have 4 modes. The CariPRO has 5 modes and its only $119! I’m all about getting the max out of the products that you pay for. I even went to my local target to look at the store brand electric toothbrushes and they weren’t even close in the mode comparison. How I use it: Since I’m new to the electronic toothbrush world I started out by using the ‘sensitive’ mode to get my gums and teeth use to the movement. After a couple days I then went to the regular mode! The CariPRO has a 30 second timer that stops and restarts when it’s time to go to a new quadrant. Is t that great?! I love how it lets you know how long you should be brushing. Plus it has a tongue pad! Amazing features to keep in mind:

FDA approved!

5 modes

Comes with 2 brush heads

Includes a charger hub which means no buying new batteries! Plus it has a 30 day battery life per charge.

Safe to use in shower

2 year warranty

My overall review is- I’m SO happy! I’ve felt the difference after 2 days of using it. It helps so well with plaque, stubborn food stains, and so much more! I love the unique bristle design that I can really feel get in every area to deep clean- I’ve never had a toothbrush like it. Thanks to Smile Brilliant you have a chance to win a CariPRO for yourself! Giveaway rules: Click here to enter to win a CariPRO That’s it!! All you have to do is click the link above and fill out the info to win. If you want to purchase the CariPRO I have a discount code for 20% off! Use code typicallytosh20 and click here to purchase Thank you so much for reading and good luck!! Xo, Natasha  

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