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Alba’s sleep routine: 2 months

**Click below for Her toy, rocker, pillow (to prevent flat head) ** Her toy you can get here 

Her flat head pillow you can get here Her rocker you can get here

Let me start off by saying this might not work for everyone- but it’s amazing for us! My mom was a HUGE help in this since she use to be a night time doula. So Alba is 2 1/2 months and the past few weeks she’s been sleeping 4-5 hours straight through the night! I know that’s not a huge chunk, but from waking up every 2hrs it’s so much better. Not all nights are the same and she still has those nights where she’s too gassy to fully sleep. So, with all of that being said let me tell you her routine! Mornings: she’ll usually wake up around 8 on a normal day (10 am if it’s a great day!) and she’ll either eat right away if it’s been awhile, or we’ll have stretch time. To me stretch time is important since she’s been swaddled all night. Then we’ll have play time! I’ll link her favorite toy in the end. Mid-day: Alba usually goes down for a midday nap around 12. So from 8am-12 she’s awake then naps. Her naps can either be an hour long or 30 mins. Afternoon: From around 1pm-9/10pm we try to keep her up. She always has little cat naps during this time, but for short amounts of time. We’ll usually play, walk around holding her, or she’ll lay down but still awake. If I need to run any errands or house stuff I do it during this time. If she gets tired then we let her nap, but for sure have her up from 7pm-9:30ish so that she gets tired enough to sleep at night. We do intentionally try to tire her out in order to sleep well. So that means tons of play/tummy time and help her sit up on our laps! Night time: Her last feeding is usually around 10 or 11 then she goes to sleep soon after and we swaddle her. On good nights she’ll sleep 4-5 hours and we’ll feed & change her when she wakes up. If she’s restless then we’ll stick to our normal feeding routine (every 3 hours). I highly recommend to look up videos on how to swaddle! It helps us so much because when Alba is too tired and starts getting fussy we do this to help her calm down and she falls asleep in 5-10 minutes. There’s so many different ways to swaddle so pick which one is best for you and your baby. Where she sleeps: We have a rock n play that she sleeps in during the night time. Because it’s angled and can rock her to sleep we've been using that since we had her. During the day when she naps it’s either in the crib or on my bed (surrounded by pillows of corse). She’s really good about sleeping by herself, and we’ve just always had her like that since she was born. I say if you want to start good habits, start early and stay to the routine! We do use a pacifier, but trust me she lets you know when she doesn’t want it haha! She’ll either spit it out or pull it right out. 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope this helps any mom or mom to be! 

Xo, Natasha

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