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Newborn + Mom must haves

I’ll link all the products below to go straight to their website!

Alba is officially one month old! People are spot on when they say time flys, and we’re enjoying every minute with her! Like I mentioned in my last blog post, Alba has days where she’s really gassy and I can not explain enough how the Dr. Browns bottles and gripe water are life savers. The first couple weeks home were rough for her because her little tummy was getting use to everything and she had one really fussy night and the gripe water worked wonders. I’m serious- get this for any momma! I also use regular gas drops before each nightly feeding so that it helps her not be gassy throughout the night, our dr told us this and it’s helped a lot. 

We didn’t splurge on the dockatot and I’m glad we didn’t, Alba loves her little rocker that we were gifted and I highly recommend it! It helps her gassiness too because she’s at an incline vs lying flat. When it comes to bedtime or when she’s too tired/fussy to sleep we swaddle her with the SwaddleMe and she knocks right out! They’re super easy to put on compared to the blanket swaddles. 

I can’t tell y’all enough about how all moms need zip up onesies. They make it so easy to change diapers and it’s just easy to deal with. My favorites are the ones with fold over mittens so they don’t scratch their face, but the hands free ones are great too! We got Alba a WubbaNub, but she really prefers the regular Avent pacifiers.. I think the WubbaNub is too bottom heavy and it’s better for 2 months. I was also gifted a Boppy and I love it to prop her up so she can look around, but it’s also great for breastfeeding!  

Items for baby: 

For moms- 

I’ll link all the products below to go straight to their website!

The first month with Alba was amazing, but one thing is true.. I am tired a lot! One thing to pamper yourself with is gel eye patches to help with any puffiness. I mentioned in my last post that my mom helps us out, so when I have free time, like when I pump for example, I put them on to relax. Something that’s really really important is drinking enough water! I highly suggest any mom to get a water bottle with a straw. Something about having a straw makes it so much easier to do. I also love these Liquid IV packets because it supposed to hydrate you 3x more than if you were just drinking one bottle. If you have a Costco card you can buy them there or just order online on their website. If you order online, use code: HYDRATION30 for 30% off!

Not only have I been dehydrated, but my skin has too. No matter what lotion I use it’s never enough. I really recommend getting a highly hydrating one vs a drugstore brand. This one I’ve used before and it works wonders, they also have amazing chapstick! Along with the whole relaxing part, one thing I wish I got was either a nightgown or a button down pj set. When you’re still sore or pumping/breastfeeding it’s just way easier to wear plus it’s comfy. 

One thing I get asked a lot is about my supply. My milk supply came in pretty fast, but since Alba has been eating more I want to make sure I can keep up with her feeding demands. I take 4 liquid gold supplements and 2 fenugreek pills a day. I’ll take the liquid gold in the morning and night and the fenugreek mid day. Plus tons of water and eat constantly! I pump every 2-3 hours and 1-2 times a day I’ll power pump which acts as if your baby is cluster feeding. Look it up on Pinterest to see what I’m talking about! I have taken the pump princess and it worked, but not as much through the whole day like the liquid gold did. Each person reacts to supplements differently. I also take their tea tas tea but not all the time. 

Items for mom:

Go to for the supplements

Thank y’all so much for reading! 

Xo, Natasha.

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