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Meet BabyV❤️

I was so blessed to have a healthy birth with BabyV! So here’s how our journey started... On December 31st, I spent the whole day cleaning and prepping for the night. I got scheduled to be induced at 10pm, so I wanted everything perfect for when we got home. Bless my sister for taking me to relax and get a pedicure! I did tons of laundry, deep cleaned the kitchen, and threw away  unnecessary items around the house. At 9:30ish Daniel and I arrived at the hospital to get checked in. At 10pm we were let into our room and got situated! I was only at 3cm still so they gave me a pill to induce the contractions first, and it helped but only to get to 4cm. Then they gave me Pitocin through an IV and from 4am-12pm Tuesday morning we just waited!! Daniel, my mom, and I tried to take naps or get any sleep in we could. At 12:43pm on January 1st, our sweet baby Alba Luna Valdez was born at 7 lbs 15 oz and 21 inches long! Daniel and I cried so much from happiness and love. He is such a good dad to Alba already it’s amazing. The postpartum pain.. it’s real and everything you hear is true. It’s not cute at all, the nurses the whole time are seeing you at your most vulnerable state, and it does hurt. I did get the epidural, but once it wears off you feel the pain. On a scale of 1-10 I would say it’s a 6, but I have a high pain tolerance. My spine, lower back, and stomach were what hurt because it’d be so tender. It’s all worth it though!! I just wanted to keep it real with anyone who reads this. The actual labor/ pushing pain wasn’t bad at all (to me) it just feels like a big pressure that comes and goes, I just thought the whole time “I can’t wait to see our baby, so I’m going to make this go as fast as possible.” And I was only pushing for 15 minutes and that’s that! My dr and all the nurses said they’ve never had someone so calm and done quickly.. I just kept breathing, praying, and had the best support from Daniel. I’m so thankful! We’re so excited to share our precious angel with y’all! We won’t post too many photos on any social media for awhile because we want to enjoy our time with her and not always have a phone in her face. Thank you for reading about our little one! Xo, Natasha and Daniel

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