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Dress for Fall pt. 2 | Pregnancy Update

One thing that was a HUGE trend last year was over the knee boots! I saw so many bloggers pair them with cute dresses, and it’s a big trend again this year! I’m all for repeating trends so I’m not constantly buying new items lol.

I got this pink floral dress from Target awhile back, but it’s perfect for this fall trend. I’ll link similar ones below, but I wanted to talk about where you can get cute dresses for fall/winter.

SheIn has new arrivals everyday and they have amazing prices for anything and everything! Also, if you want more of name brand and dressier items I would definitely check out Lulus. I’ve been checking out the latest arrivals at Lulus and I’m 99% sure I’ll be ordering my dress for the baby shower from them! Plus my wedding dress was from them so I’m biased haha.

Here’s the website to Lulus

for if you want the dressier items!

You can shop my outfit from these pictures by clicking the photo below:


Pregnancy Update

So I’m officially 6 months! Time is flying by it’s so crazy to me! I can’t explain how blessed I am to have had such an easy pregnancy this whole time. The only thing I “suffer” with is heartburn, but I’m so thankful compared to other ladies.

First 3 months:

I wasn’t hungry that much and if I ate it was fruit/veggies or soup and smoothies. I drank lemon water and lemonade like crazy so that I stayed hydrated and didn’t get any nausea. There were a couple days when I had a horrible migraine and cried by how much it hurt. Then it went away! I think I’ve only thrown up twice this whole pregnancy and I think it’s because I ate super super oily foods on an empty stomach and it gave me the worst acid reflux and caused me to. Other than that I haven’t felt bad at all and I carry Tums with me everywhere lol. Also I use to have a huge sweet tooth, and the thought of sweets made me lose my appetite! I had to watch my salt intake or my feet would swell up within an hour too!

Beauty wise, one thing I noticed early on was that the shampoo and conditioner I was using made my scalp break out bad, so I switched and it went away. Also, I did have a few breakouts but nothing too crazy that I couldn’t treat and it go away. Bless having an Esthetician for a sister! She always knew what I could or couldn’t use. Always tell skincare or makeup professionals that you’re pregnant because there are some ingredients that should not go on our skin!

3-6 months:

Nowadays I have my sweetooth back, but I watch it. My normal appetite is back butttt I do feel like I need to watch my portion control lol! People always say “Eating for two”, but I still want to eat healthy. I watch my carbs, but don’t make myself starve. If I want a snack I’ll always try to eat fruit before I eat anything processed. I started cramping from not drinking enough water so I drink about 32+ oz a day! And yes that means bathroom every 10 mins haha. I did try that pregnancy pillow (the $50-60 one) and I hated it! I know some people swear by it but it was too bulky for me and I’d always kick it off the bed. I already had a simple body pillow from Target for $10 and I love it so much more! I’m a stomach sleeper normally so sleeping comfortably through the night has been my biggest struggle.

BabyV is healthy and that’s such a blessing! Daniel and I are still not finding out the gender which we’re so happy with. I know some people couldn’t stand not knowing but we love surprises and will be happy either way! I’m planning on revealing the nursery later this year since I’m still getting things together- I’ll keep y’all updated!

Thank y’all so much for reading and have a great weekend!

Xo, Natasha.

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