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Painting with A Twist Date Night

Hello everyone!

I wanted to talk about date night with y’all!

Daniel and I love eating at restaurants, going to movies, but have you ever gone to a paint class?

Well Daniel and I had an amazing date night at Painting with A Twist! We went to the Westheimer location, but they have many all over that you can go to. When you go online you can also choose which class you’d want to take! We choose this milky way galaxy class- especially since Daniel loves anything about space. They offer drinks at a charge, or you can bring your own!

Our teacher had us all play a game where we had to guess the song and singer! It was super fun and kept us alert haha. We had a great time, especially since it was super different from just going to a movie.

I hope this inspires any couples out there to get out of your comfort zone- go paint and have fun!

Thanks for reading!

Love, Natasha

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